We offer free worldwide shipping, no matter the order size.
Our shipping labels & outer packaging for all orders provide 100% privacy. Read more about our Discreet Packaging & Shipping.
You will receive a shipment notification email once your order ships. Orders usually ship in 1-2 business days, and may take a couple extra days if the item is made to order or during peak seasons.
Please save our email addresses to your saved contacts in your inbox, so your order updates do not accidentally go to your Spam/Junk folder.
Our emails are sent via:
We offer easy order tracking with shipment notifications via email and text.
You can check on your package along the way with our Order Tracking page, found in the bottom of any page of our website, which is also linked in your shipment notification. On the order tracking page, all you will need is your order number and the email address associated with the order, then click the "Track" button.
Depending on the type of items you ordered, some items may ship out separately to get to you quicker, instead of waiting for all items to be made and shipped together. Especially if any items were made to order, some items may ship out while another item is currently in production. Your shipment notification email will inform you of the exact items in the package.
This means you may have more than one tracking number. All tracking numbers for the same order will be located on the same order tracking page. You can check the tracking as often as you like, but please keep in mind that different postal couriers update more often than other couriers.
Occasionally issues beyond our control, such as poor weather conditions, mail service backlogs, or incomplete/incorrect addresses may delay shipments beyond their scheduled delivery dates.
We appreciate your understanding if your package does meet a delay along the way, but just keep in mind how hard we are all working to get your items to you and how this is something we cannot control once we ship your package. We offer free shipping worldwide for your convenience, but we are also as diligent as possible in getting your packages shipped from our warehouses in a timely manner, and choosing the best postal courier possible, so your package arrives safely and as quick as possible. If you do experience a longer than ususal ship time, please keep an eye on your order tracking, as whatever updates you can see on the tracking page provided by the courier is the same information our customer care team can see as well.
Customers are solely responsible for any customs fees and/or charges that are incurred. There won't be any customs charges applicable to any orders shipped to the U.S. (APO, etc. may be an exception).
Please use the comment box at checkout to include your customs ID number if your country requires this for imported goods (U.S. does not apply). Every country that requires a customs ID number may call it something different. i.e.:
In some cases our Customer Care team may contact international customers and ask for an accurate customs ID number, if it was not provided in the comment box during the checkout process. If we do not receive the customs ID number with your checkout (if your country requires it), the time it takes to retrieve it from you via email unfortunately stalls the shipping process, as we are legally unable to ship without it (where required).
Your local government may impose import duties and/or VAT (Value Added Taxes) on imported shipments. These fees are not enforced by us, and are beyond our control or ability to predict. These fees (if any) are made payable to your government. You are responsible for paying any taxes, duties, and/or customs fees deemed necessary for the release of your shipment; please check with your local post office for more information. We are required to declare an accurate monetary value on all international shipments, and are unable to honor any requests to suppress the value of an order on the customs sticker or claim it as a gift.
Lost, stolen, or undeliverable packages, packages marked "return to sender" by postal courier, and packages stuck in customs can only be retrieved by the recipient directly with the postal courier (or customs when applicable).
Therefore it is the responsibility of the customer at checkout to make sure the shipping address is complete and accurate, and matches the preferred address in the system by their local postal couriers.
In this case, the recipient must file a claim directly with the postal courier with their ID and tracking number. We are not responsible for these packages but we can assist with documentation if needed. Email us at if you cannot find your tracking number or need a copy of the shipping address given at the time of purchase. These packages are nonrefundable by us and can only be handled by the recipient directly with the courier or customs, so it is imperative to act immediately.
Any packages marked "return to sender" are not received by any of our facilities and will require the same steps by the recipient in a timely manner to prevent the postal courier from destroying the package and allow them to release the package to you.